Stephen S. Yau
Information Assurance Center and
School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, USA
Director, Information Assurance Center
Challenges in Improving Trustworthiness of Collaborations in
Critical Applications in Pervasive and Cloud Computing Environments
With the rapid advances in pervasive and cloud computing technologies and smart devices , effective collaborations in various applications can be achieved. In order to have the confidence of users involving critical applications, it is necessary to improve the trustworthiness of the collaborations in these environments. To achieve this goal, a number of challenges need to be met. In this talk, these challenges will be identified, and the existing research to improve the trustworthiness of collaborations in critical applications in these environments will be discussed. Future research directions in relevant areas to meet these challenges, including human factors in pervasive and cloud computing environments with smart devices, will be also discussed.
Biographical Information:
Stephen S, Yau is the director of Information Assurance Center and a professor of computer science and engineering at Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona, USA. He served as the chair of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at ASU in 1994-2001. Previously, he was on the faculties of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, and University of Florida, Gainesville.
He served as the president of the Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and was on the IEEE Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors of Computing Research Association. He served as the editor-in-chief of IEEE COMPUTER. He organized a number of major conferences, including the 1989 World Computer Congress sponsored by International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), and the Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society. He has served as the honorary chair and general co-chair of the IEEE World Congress on Services and co-located conferences on Service Computing, Cloud Computing, Web Services and Mobile Services
His current research includes service-based systems, cloud computing, ubiquitous computing, cyber security and software engineering. He received a number of awards and recognitions for his accomplishments, including the Tsutomu Kanai Award and Richard E. Merwin Award of the IEEE Computer Society, the Outstanding Contributions Award of the Chinese Computer Federation, and the Louis E. Levy Medal of the Franklin Institute. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and American Association for the Advancement of Science.
He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois, Urbana, and the B.S. degree from National Taiwan University, Taipei, all in electrical engineering.

Professor Gang Huang
Peking University
Director, Software Engineering Institute
Services Computing for Big Data:Opportunities and Challenges
With a generic and well-structured service-oriented programming abstraction, developers of PC/Web/Android applications can flexibly define any portion of their data to be accessed in a “Data-as-a-Service” fashion. In addition, combining with software analytics and machine learning techniques from human-service interaction behaviors, we further re-engineer existing legacy systems/applications to comply with the programming abstraction so that their “deep” data can be accessed and explored in a secure and well-defined way. We have realized our “Data-as-a-Service” Cloud-Client Convergence Platform as commercial products, which have been OEMed by Lenovo, Founder, and Digital China. We also demonstrated how deep data can be explored in various domains such as e-Government, Smart City, and so on. In practice, our approach can significantly improve the efficiency of deep-data collection to 100x times as well as save 90% labor cost. The related patents have gained over 200 million RMB royalties.
Biographical Information:
Prof. Dr. Gang Huang is now the deputy director of the Software Engineering Institute and the director of System Research Lab in Peking University. He leads the “Peking University-Digital China” Collaborative Innovation Center as the executive deputy director. Prof. Huang’s research interests include adaptive software systems, services computing, and cloud computing. Prof. Huang is the recipient of China Youth Sci-Tech Prize, National Award for Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation, NSFC Fund of Excellent Young Scientist, CCF Award for Young Scientist, Excellent Talent Award for the New Century awarded by the Ministry of Education, Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers, Zhongchuang Award for Software Talent, etc. Prof. Huang won the State Award for Natural Science (2012), the State Award for Technological Invention (2008), and the Ministry-of-Education Award for Science and Technology Advancement (2015). Prof. Huang has published over 80 papers on top venues such as IEEE TMC, TSC, OOPSLA, ICSE, WWW, FSE, UbiComp, and so on. He received 5 best paper awards from international conferences. He served as the Program Committee Chair of SOSE 2013 and COMPSAC 2015, and the editorial board of Journal of Internet Services and Applications and Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science.